every day it feels like another culture and people is under attack. today i will focus on the Wet'suwet'en people in kanada. the Wet'suwet'ens are natives to the land in what is known as British Columbia. They are legally a sovereign nation, who legally own their territory and traditional lands and are not part of kanada. However, kanada is repeatedly invading their territory to complete the Costal Gas Link Project. Most people agree that invading another country's land is a declaration of war, but kanada persists. it should be to nobodies suprise that the war is once again over black gold, perhaps reminding many of the brutal invasion and destruction of the middle east by the united states of amerikkka. kanada and the CGL insist that their cause is legal, but it is not. the Wet'suwet'ens have repeatedly stated that they were never consulted on the CGL project, and have been forced to defend their lands against invaders. In 2013, they released an official letter reiterating in clear terms that they do not want the CGL in their land. (source) however the CGL has insisted, sending construction workers and machinery to the Wet'suwet'en land, forcing Wet'suwet'ens to create makeshift blockades to keep the invaders out. sometimes these confrontations have become violent as tension between construction workers and natives get out of hand. one such conflict was reported by CBC. an "elected leader" claims that this was the "actions of a few members." (source) Notice in the video the militarized police, the claims of an illegal blockade, and the claim that the Wet'suwet'ens had an elected leader. Wet'suwet'en law and customs do not have elected leader, instead they have 5 clans, with 13 hereditary leaders or house-chiefs. (source) The chiefs, according to Wet'suwet'en law, have unanimously agreed and announced multiple times their opposition to the CGL and any other pipelines on their lands. The fact of the matter is this. by supporting the invasion of the Wet'suwet'en lands, kanada is effectively declaring war on their tribe. The kanadian government has no right to arrest Wet'suwet'en people on their lands. the kanadian government has no right to force the CGL onto their lands, and by supporting them, they are supporting criminals. this shows the greed of supposed "civilized" nations,  the mistreatment and abuse of sacred lands, and just how little modern governments think of native tribes and native lands. once again, colonizer tradition reigns supreme as they douse stolen lands with blood oil. 

further reading:

article supporting land defenders

costal gas link feigns innocence

note the signature at the bottom:

kanadian government grants trespassers legal protection in aggressive invasion
